Celebrate Your Church’s Impact

What would life be like without celebration? Without taking the time to express gratitude? Without taking a pause to appreciate all that one’s done?
Some would argue that celebration is a spiritual practice – it is us affirming God’s goodness and grace in the world and saying, “Thank you.” Thanks be to God for the love and joy found in celebration and thanks be to each hand that had a part in creating a cause to celebrate. Celebration affirms the presence of God in a broken world. Celebration affirms joy as our right as children of the beloved.
In 2021, Episcopal Relief & Development made a commitment to celebrate your congregations for your compassionate responses to suffering in the world. Episcopal Relief & Development’s tagline is “working together for lasting change” and this would not be possible without the powerful agents-of-change that are our church partners.
Through the Congregational Recognition Program, Episcopal Relief & Development celebrates congregations across three tiers of participation. Hope, Impact and Transformation Partners.

When you partner in hope with Episcopal Relief & Development, your congregation demonstrates a commitment to seeing the world as God intends – where all God’s children live healthy, fulfilling lives.
Hope Partner congregations made a monetary gift to Episcopal Relief & Development in the past year, have an appointed Congregational Ministry Partner, updated their information on the Episcopal Asset Map and shared Gifts for Life to raise awareness and funds for Episcopal Relief & Development’s programs.
2021 Hope Partners:
Christ Church, Charlotte, NC
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Charlotte, NC
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Greenville, SC
Episcopal Church of the Epiphany, Richardson, TX

When you partner in impact with Episcopal Relief & Development, your congregation demonstrates a commitment to making a measurable impact in the lives of those communities struggling with hunger, poverty, disaster and disease.
Impact Partner congregations meet the requirements of the Hope Partner level. In addition to the requirements listed above, they hosted an Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday and used Episcopal Relief & Development’s formation materials, such as Lenten Meditations, Advent resources and Abundant Life Garden Project®.
2021 Impact Partners:
St. James Episcopal Church, Roanoke, VA
Holy Spirit Episcopal Church, Missoula, MT
Christ Episcopal Church, Glenrock WY
When you partner in transformation with Episcopal Relief & Development, your congregation demonstrates a commitment to working together for lasting change through seeking and serving Christ in all persons and respecting the dignity of every human being.
Transformation Partner congregations meet the requirements of the Hope and Impact Partner levels and attended an Episcopal Relief & Development workshop or training and hosted a speaker or preacher on behalf of Episcopal Relief & Development.
2021 Transformation Partners:
No congregations achieved Transformation Partner status in 2021. Be the first in 2022!
Will your congregation be recognized in 2022? Applications are due Friday, November 25. For more details on the Congregational Recognition Program, go to episcopalrelief.org/recognition.