Board of Directors


Shirley Stover Allen Ms. Shirley Stover Allen (Province VII) is a former commercial real estate attorney and active in numerous charitable organizations. Kurt Barnes Mr. N. Kurt Barnes
(Ex-Officio) is the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer of The Episcopal Church.
Ms. Putney Cloos (Province II) is a strategic advisor and marketing leader with deep data-driven B2B marketing expertise. Mr. Miguel Escobar (Province II) is Operations Director of Episcopal Divinity School.
Mr. Paul Faeth (Province IV) is a sustainable development expert with over 40 years of international experience.


Ms. Blanca Tomás Famadas (Province IV) is the Chaplain and Sacred Studies teacher at St. Philips Episcopal School in Miami, Florida.
Michele V Hagans The Rev. Dr. Canon Michele V. Hagans (Province III) is the president of Fort Lincoln Realty Company, Fort Lincoln New Town Corporation. Ana Lucia Palacios Hidalgo (Province IX) is a businesswoman with fifteen years of experience working at her family’s construction supply business in Ecuador.
Mr. Kenneth Jones II (Province III) is Senior Vice President, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Equity Officer at The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Karen Longenecker Ms. Karen Longenecker, MA, LCSW, IMH-III (Province VII) is the Director of the Healthy Expectations Perinatal Intensive Outpatient Program at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus.
David Martin Dr. David Martin  (Province VI) is a technical consultant and is active in numerous community and church organizations. The Rev. Canon Ranjit K. Mathews (Province I) serves as the Canon to the Ordinary of the Episcopal Church in Connecticut.
Robert McCouch Dr. Robert McCouch (Province II) is the Director of Evaluation at UNICEF. The Rt. Rev. Héctor Monterroso (Province VII) is Bishop Assistant within the Episcopal Diocese of Texas.
The Rev. Steve Paulikas The Rev. Steven D. Paulikas (Province II) is rector of All Saints’ Church in Brooklyn, New York. The Rev. Christine Purcell (Province VIII) recently retired as Associate Rector at the Parish of St. Matthew in the Pacific Palisades.
Robert W. Radtke Dr. Robert W. Radtke (Ex-Officio) is President & CEO of Episcopal Relief & Development. The Most Rev. Sean W. Rowe The Most Rev. Sean W. Rowe (Ex-Officio, Honorary Chair) is the 28th Presiding Bishop of The Episcopal Church.
Matt Silva Mr. Matt Silva (Province VII, Chair) is a sales and business executive from San Antonio, Texas. Mr. David Washer (Province I) is a Director on the Learning and Innovation Team at the Bridgespan Group.
Mr. John Van De Weert (Province III) is a retired financial services attorney, and is the Chancellor of the Diocese of Washington.