In our partnership with CMS-Africa, we promote financial literacy and savings among women and youth to help them build financial management skills and access micro-loans to improve their household financial resilience.

DCT-DSC’s integrated climate resilience program supports farmers faced with cyclical drought and other environmental and economic challenges through training on conservation agriculture, improved crop storage and micro-finance for a holistic approach to supporting communities as they adapt to climate change. Access to useful and affordable financial products and services that meet the needs especially of women and other marginalized groups is an important component of climate resilience. Our partner has implemented savings groups in rural communities that have little to no access to banking. In 2021, DCT-DSC piloted two financial services to further strengthen economic livelihoods. The first pilot introduced electronic savings where qualified groups use mobile phone technology to safely and conveniently make financial transactions. The second pilot provided mature savings groups an opportunity to access larger loan amounts through a revolving loans fund administered by the partner. By providing an opportunity for people to build savings, access small loans and learn about business development, the groups help buffer some of the risk that remote farming communities face. DCT-DSC also strengthens community-based water committees and supports their investments in water infrastructure development.

The Anglican Church of Tanzania responded to the 2024 floods caused by the El Nino phenomenon in the dioceses of Mpwapwa, Rift Valley, Morogoro and Kiteto with food and shelter support for over 600 individuals.