Mothers’ Union South Sudan (MUSS), through its provincial leadership and its membership, works on  promoting peace and reconciliation and promoting women leadership roles that addresses gender disparity and reducing sexual and gender based violence (S/GBV). The project uses functional adult literacy circles as a vehicle and safe space for improving awareness, understanding, ability to articulate and advocate for women’s rights, and the reduction of S/GBV both at the household and community levels. Change is promoted through a self-help-based approach to addressing the problems of illiteracy, cultural and traditional norms, and attitudes which are key drivers of S/GBV across the country.

Disaster management teams trained by Episcopal Relief & Development have led emergency response efforts during crises, helping to meet the needs of people displaced by the ongoing and chronic tribal civil conflict within South Sudan.

Our Results in 2023

2,563 individuals directly reached by long-term development programs.

670 individuals participated in community events.

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