Our integrated programs strive to empower women in all aspects of their lives. We help women access quality health care, especially for pregnant mothers-to-be. We promote savings among women and help them access micro-loans to improve their financial resilience. Our programs work to ensure that gender perspectives and the goal of gender equality are central to all our activities. We work for the participation of both men and women in all our programs. Program leaders ensure that gender norms are considered as they support child caregivers in Moments That Matter® (MTM), a program partnership of Episcopal Relief & Development.

Children who reach their full development potential have greater opportunities to thrive. Our Moments That Matter® program enables parents to address children’s cognitive, psychosocial and physical development needs while also equipping communities to support their healthy development. The program’s goal is to ensure children younger than three reach the developmental milestones that will help them live healthier and more prosperous lives. MTM leverages the assets of Episcopal and Anglican churches with a network of local community and faith leaders and trained Early Childhood Development volunteers. Monthly caregiver training increases the knowledge and prevention skills for illnesses like malaria, diarrhea, pneumonia and HIV/AIDS. 

ADS-Nyanza promotes resilience to the changing climate through training on crop production and processing, climate-resilient crops, renewable energy, soil and water conservation, livestock production, and food and nutrition. Mentors help their neighbors become better farmers. The program also focuses on economic development through the support of farmers, women, primary caregivers and other vulnerable groups. Faith leaders and Mothers’ Union members receive training on climate change, gender equity and child protection in relation to agricultural production. Members of savings groups save, access credit, and build relationships among each other. Their knowledge and skills help them cope with financial shocks.

ADS-Nyanza partnered with the Kenya government Ministry of Health, us and other organizations on the prevention, control and home management of COVID-19. ADS-Nyanza equipped their Community Health Volunteers and Early Childhood Promoters with personal protective equipment (PPE) and provided handwashing facilities in strategic social places. The partnership supports contact tracing in several counties.

Our Results in 2023

82,594 individuals directly reached by long-term development programs.

5,798 primary caregivers participated in Early Childhood Development (ECD) caregiver support learning groups and received monthly home visits.

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