Episcopal Relief & Development is partners with the Episcopal Diocese of Honduras through its Agencia Anglicana para el Desarrollo de Honduras/AANGLIDESH (Anglican Agency for the Development of Honduras), and with Siempre Unidos (Always United) an Episcopal NGO that fights HIV/AIDS in country with effective medical treatment and inclusive social services.
Episcopal Relief & Development is partners with the Episcopal Diocese of Honduras through its Agencia Anglicana para el Desarrollo de Honduras/AANGLIDESH (Anglican Agency for the Development of Honduras), and with Siempre Unidos (Always United) an Episcopal NGO that fights HIV/AIDS in country with effective medical treatment and inclusive social services.
We partner with AANGLIDESH to promote the role of women in their communities. AANGLIDESH focuses on community savings groups that enable members to grow their personal savings, borrow money and invest in their small businesses to build resilience and improve their ability to manage household needs. Participants also discuss domestic and gender-based violence, health, hygiene and nutrition during the education sessions.
Episcopal Relief & Development also supports Siempre Unidos’ Siloé Project to uphold the dignity of people such as commercial sex workers, LGBTQ+ people, people living in slums, incarcerated people and ethnic minority communities affected by HIV/AIDS. The project aims to prevent sexual and gender-based violence through awareness education, and by supporting faith leaders to speak out against violence.
To help families and communities severely hit by the worsening effects of climate change across the Central America region, our partnership with the AANGLIDESH has frequently included emergency food relief distributions.
Our Results in 2023
4,019 individuals directly reached by long-term development programs.
1,129 loans distributed through Savings with Education (SwE) micro-finance programming.
609women engaged in economic empowerment activities.