We work with the province to help remove systemic barriers preventing female survivors of sexual violence from accessing justice. Our partnership’s gender-based violence (GBV) prevention pilot project with the Diocese of Aru aims to prevent violence against women by equipping faith and community leaders to educate their communities and reduce the devastating effects of violence on individuals and their communities. The program supports survivors with immediate medical care, as well as psychological support and follow-up care. Additionally, the project provides support to survivors, including legal representation against aggressors in court. With our support, the Diocese of Bukavu began a similar program.

The Diocese of Aru, with our support, created community networks to respond to COVID-19. The Church produced and broadcast radio messages and developed other communication strategies to address misinformation about the virus. Additionally, we helped to equip the Adranga Health Center with personal protective equipment to strengthen its response. The project is also strengthening resilience and social cohesion beyond COVID-19 by working with community members as they pay closer attention to the physical and psychosocial and economic well-being of community members, particularly girls and women.

Our Results in 2023

33,708 individuals directly reached by long-term development programs.

39,189 individuals participated in community events.

3,135 women and children who survived abuse participated in food and/or financial security programming.

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