Domestic violence, malnutrition, lack of access to adequate medical care, and poverty all continue to impact a large number of the Colombian population. As a result, Episcopal Relief & Development is working with Trinity Foundation to implement a microfinance program for women to form self-governing savings groups that serve as a platform for solidarity and economic empowerment for them and their families. New groups learn savings and lending principles. As groups mature, members participate in larger discussions on financial and business management. All savings groups, new and mature, discuss the prevention of gender-based violence at the household and community level.

Episcopal Relief & Development supported responses to COVID-19 in Colombia through its partnerships with The Episcopal Church, Interfaith Rainforest Initiative (IRI) and Trinity Foundation. The Church transformed St. Paul’s Cathedral and Church of the Divine Savior, both in Bogotá, into distribution centers for food, personal protective equipment (PPE) and other medical supplies. The Interfaith Rainforest Initiative helped indigenous communities, many of which have been hard-hit by COVID-19 infections and lack of access to medical care. IRI distributed non-perishable food items and hygiene kits of soap, cleaning alcohol, toothpaste and antibacterial hand gel. Trinity Foundation supported households with food and sanitation kits, as well as educational kits to raise prevention awareness. Recipients include households headed by women and those who lost work due to the shutdowns and mandatory quarantines.

Our Results in 2023

1,767 individuals directly reached by long-term development programs.

1,107 women engaged in economic empowerment activities.


1,517 individuals actively involved in Savings with Education (SwE) micro-finance programming savings groups.

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