Our programs provide women and young people with vocational training and skills-building. Through safe spaces like Casa Noeli, created in partnership with SADD, women experiencing violence can find support, resources, and opportunities to heal and rebuild their lives.

We also support community leaders and local organizations in advocating for human rights and educate communities on preventing violence against women. In the Diocese of Brasília, youth and church leaders are taking action to protect human rights at local and national levels.

In the Amazon region, we’re partnering with the Diocese of Amazônia to help communities adapt to climate change. Through native reforestation projects and savings and loan groups, families are restoring their environment and securing their livelihoods. The savings and loan groups were supported by an Episcopal Relief & Development sponsored in a peer exchange between the Amazônia team and our long-standing Angolan Mothers’ Union Savings with Education (SwE) program.

In 2024, after severe storms hit the Rio Grande do Sul region, we supported SADD in working with the Anglican Diocese of Pelotas in rebuilding the Reverendo Severo Institute, a vital community gathering space for events, meetings and retreats.

Our partnerships help communities recover from disasters and build long-term resilience to future crises.

Our Results in 2023

11,528 individuals directly reached by long-term development programs.

872 women engaged in economic empowerment activities.

$10,780 (USD) loans disbursed through Savings with Education (SwE) micro-finance programming.

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