Creating Lasting Change a Few Minutes at a Time

What if I told you that you could help create lasting change in just a few minutes a month? Would you laugh at me? Perhaps you’d ask me what “the catch” is.
No catch, I promise. Just community.
In Episcopal Relief & Development’s volunteer community, nearly one thousand Ministry Partners across the country join together in sharing the good news of Episcopal Relief & Development and supporting the work of the organization in their congregations, dioceses, seminaries and more.
Ministry Partners all bring unique backgrounds and experiences to their roles. Some are retired while others are just starting their careers. Some are deacons while others recently joined a congregation for the first time. Some are longtime supporters of Episcopal Relief & Development while others are still learning about the organization. Yet, all of them are committed to working together for lasting change with a commitment of at least a few minutes a month.
How does this work? How can just a few minutes affect change?
For the answer, let’s turn to March’s Ministry Partner Monthly Guide, an email resource Ministry Partners receive monthly to help in planning. The Guide breaks potential tasks for Ministry Partners down to three categories: a few minutes, 1-2 hours, or 3+ hours.
Got a few minutes?
- Share Episcopal Relief & Development news and updates with your congregation or diocese via virtual or print newsletters or bulletins: This is the quickest task; yet, it’s also the most important. Through taking a few minutes to share updates with their congregations and dioceses, Ministry Partners widen the organization’s reach to the entire Church and beyond. People know how to support those affected by disaster, how to help nurture children worldwide in their first one thousand days of life, how to prepare for disaster and more … all because Ministry Partners take a few minutes each month to share this important information.
Got 1-2 hours?
- Attend this month’s Ministry Partner Tea Talk: Each month, Ministry Partners gather virtually in community to share ideas and stories. This past February, we discussed Episcopal Relief & Development’s Lenten Resources and Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday. Ministry Partners shared their own stories of how they encouraged those in their communities to subscribe to Episcopal Relief & Development’s daily Lenten meditations, as well as how their congregations prepare for and observe Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday.
Got 3-4 hours?
- Observe an Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday at your congregation: On March 6, 2022 (or another Sunday that worked with their congregation’s calendar), Ministry Partners across the country worked with their rectors and other clergy to observe Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday. By using Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday resources, including Prayers of the People, bulletin inserts, sample sermons and more, Ministry Partners helped their congregations worship, pray and act faithfully in joining Episcopal Relief & Development’s mission to seek and serve Christ in all persons.

Each month, Ministry Partners can choose to do all activities if they have a few hours, some activities if they have an hour or two or concentrate on sharing updates and news if they only have a few minutes. Each minute and each hour has far-reaching effects in growing the organization’s capacity to partner with and support our neighbors-in-Christ worldwide.
A few minutes is all it takes to be a part of creating lasting change.
If you’d like more information on our Ministry Partner program, please visit our website.
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Kat Milligan is the Program Officer, Engagement for Episcopal Relief & Development. |