Top 10 Stories of 2016



2016 came and went, but it left us with lessons learned, progress measured, and disasters relieved and recovered. Take a look at the Top 10 Stories of 2016: read, review, and share tales of compassion, justice, community, and renewal. Enjoy! 🙂



#1 L’espoir Fait Vivre (Where There is Hope There is Life)

Episcopal Relief & Development’s Program Officer in Haiti, Ernest Cajuste, shared his account of Hurricane Matthew shortly after it struck in late September 2016, expressing hope as the country responded and prepared for recovery.

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Program Area: Disaster




3574a1453e4a53a97b0ce58f922e0acd#2  Episcopal Asset Map: The Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement working in the world

All over the Church, there are people in the trenches doing the hard work, connecting with our most vulnerable neighbors… but many are doing this without fanfare. In this blog, Tamera explains the significance of the entire community using the Episcopal Asset Map – it is an invitation to have the Episcopal community join together to do good for others, building God’s kingdom here on earth.

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Program Area: Disaster 




#3 Center for Hope in Za’atari Camp (HLID)

Discover how displaced Syrians find refuge at the Za’atari Camp, and about the unique education method at the  Holy Land Institute for the Deaf in Jordan. Today, the Za’atari Camp is home to over 170,000 Syrian refugees, making it the fourth largest ‘city’ in Jordan. Dreams, careers and lives are on hold given the troubles back home. Families share tents, kitchens and toilets across the camp in the daily challenges of survival. 

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Program Area:  Early Childhood Development




#4 A New Creation Rises in the Philippines

In this blog, read about the new Sabang-Bao housing development in the Philippines, almost three years in the making, that is now home to 80 families who have worked, saved and paid for their new community. Past homes were temporary structures that were at the mercy of typhoons, easily destroyed. This is the situation that potentially could have passed along to their children and their children’s children. But now, there is hope for a more secure future.

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Program Area: MicrofinanceDisaster




#5  Food Ministry Partnerships in Flint Expand to Meet Water Challenge

Faith Rowold discussed the water crisis in Flint and the local Church’s response and partnerships with Katie Forsyth, Director of Communications and Public Engagement for the Episcopal Diocese of Eastern Michigan. As we know, the Flint community continues to navigate a serious water crisis.

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Program Area: Clean Water




#6  It Takes a Village

Follow Sara Delaney as she and her husband became parents for the first time and discovered that it does take a village, or support system, to raise a child, especially when you’re trying to get them to eat! Sara showed us that we should think of food as more than what grows from the ground or can be purchased from a market; food is a part of us.

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Program Area: Alleviating Hunger, Maternal and Child Health





#7 The Soul of Motherhood

Chad Brinkman shared a story about the important roles women have played in his life and the joy he now feels working to empower women around the world as they strive to support their children and communities.

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Program Area: Microfinance, Maternal and Child Health






#8 Scottish Students’ Creative Efforts Unite Community Against Malaria

Hutchesons’ Grammar School in Glasgow, Scotland, spent 1 full year of fundraising by way of toy sales, crepes, and dancing! (Among other things.) Read more to find out about 15 year old Carla Foxworthy who spearheaded the Hutcheson fundraiser, her team, and their determination, leading to an astonishing £20,000 donation to Episcopal Relief & Development.

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Program Area: Malaria



#9 Thinking About & Preparing For Disasters  

Thinking about a possible disaster can be overwhelming for many people, but preparing for the “what-ifs,” as you will see in this blog post, will help you. Here’s a blog article from the perspective of our Episcopal Relief & Development US Disaster Team with easy-to-follow steps and resources to help you be resilient in times of a disaster.

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Program Area: US Disaster





#10 Despite Challenges Fathers Want to Provide

Sometimes it’s easy being a father. Being a father in some parts of the world, including many of the countries where Episcopal Relief & Development works, can be a much tougher job.

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Program Area: Health, Disaster