Thanksgiving: Silent Conversations from the Heart

The most recent letter reveals that H.B. was moved to a minimum-security part of the facility, he writes, “Praise God!” because of this new change but also asks that we not send mailings to him, as he is not allowed to receive these appeals at the new location. He ends the note by saying he will always try to support us when he can.
I can think of many reasons why people find it in their hearts to give. It may be as simple as wanting to uplift those who suffer. Often times, it’s a vehicle for a group to get involved with a cause in a meaningful, tangible way. It could be setting an example for youth, showing them there’s a little boy or girl in this country or on the other side of the world just like them—playing, growing and dreaming of a better tomorrow.
The desire to give is both personal and powerful. It’s a conversation that doesn’t need to begin with words. It starts within a person’s heart and can end up in the pride of a woman farmer who now has the tools and skills to better provide for her family or in the child who can attend school while receiving a hot meal. Working at Episcopal Relief & Development, I have seen these “silent” conversations for years.
In his handwritten notes, H.B. gave me a glimpse of the conversation that started inside of him. I can’t say exactly why his support of our programs continues, but it is his quiet, personal and powerful conversation that inspires me greatly.
This Thanksgiving, as we thank God for abundant blessings, please join us by taking the time to remember people like H.B. who are called to do what they can to support those in need around the world.
Xerxes Eclipse is Director of Donor Services for Episcopal Relief & Development
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