Texan Barbecue Feast Nourishes Communities Worldwide

By Chad Brinkman
Being from Texas, I understand the inexplicable draw of slow cooked brisket over smoky wood and the hot, tangy bite of a well-prepared rib. Whether a perk of my position, or owing to the fact that I have family that raised cattle in my youth, I convinced the good folks at the Seminary of the Southwest in Austin that I should be a judge for this year’s Southwest Showdown Barbecue, held on February 22. It was a sacrifice I was willing to make for the sake of Episcopal Relief & Development, and in support of all our partner communities that participate in our “Animals and Agriculture” programs worldwide.

The night before, all of the teams rolled onto campus and fired up their grills. Students took turns entertaining the crowd via the provided open mic, and all the teams, regardless of their affiliation, came together to enjoy one another’s food and friendship. I could tell, as I walked through the various tents, that these were special people taking part in a truly unique event.

Before long, I was given word that my duties as a rib judge were about to begin. I had forgone breakfast so that I would be ready for the rib smack-down that was about to take place. Now, I don’t know if you have ever eaten 14 of the most delicious and uniquely individual pork ribs back to back, but let me tell you… a food baby grew inside me almost as big as the smile on my face.
Many people offered to bring me seconds, but I declined politely. As the poster for the Southwest Showdown says, “There will be enough brisket and ribs to make you wish you wore your stretchy pants!” Truth in advertising.

This year’s competition raised over $5,000, more than double last year’s event. More than a competition, it was a brilliantly successful collaboration underscoring our belief that it takes all hands to heal a hurting world. Building on this success, the Seminary will take a more active role in the event next year, which up to this point has been completely student-run. If the growth this year is any indication, next year’s event is going to explode. I just hope I can convince everyone that I need to represent Episcopal Relief & Development for another year. I regularly have the honor to meet and work with many amazing individuals who support the work of the organization throughout the country. However, being a part of the 2014 Southwest Showdown was a very special experience indeed.

Images: Top, Middle 1, Middle 2, Photos capturing the event taken from Southwest Showdown Barbecue Image Gallery. Middle 3, Chad Brinkman as a judge. Last, Episcopal Relief & Development’s information booth.
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