“Semper Gumby” is the Motto for the Rosebud Episcopal Mission

“Semper Gumby,” a mix of Latin and nod to the clay animation cartoon character, is a phrase used regularly by the Rosebud Episcopal Mission and means “always flexible.”
Each day during the pandemic, the Rev. Dr. Lauren Stanley, Erroll Geboe, Danny Gangone and other members of their COVID-19 response team faced failing infrastructure and a lack of medical supplies which caused a range of need.
With great heart, they assessed needs and delivered supplies over a widespread area in coordination with the Sioux Tribe health representatives and the community chairman.
By working with an established point person, they are able to maintain the privacy of individuals making requests for aid, asking for anything from eggs to pencils and crayons to entertain out-of-school children.
“I received a call from one of our elders, to whom we normally supply firewood through our #FirewoodfortheElders program,” said the Rev. Dr. Lauren Stanley, who leads the efforts. “I thought she was calling for firewood, because it had been very cold the night before (38 degrees). Instead, she was calling simply to say, ‘Thank you’ for helping her get supplies.”
The mission was able to provide her with bleach and other cleaning supplies, which she needed for her own health and the health of her grandchildren whom she is raising.
Stanley added, “That call alone made all the miles worth it.”