
Our Stories of Lasting Change are filled with hope, inspiration and love in action. They reflect the experiences of Episcopal Relief & Development partners, staff, participant communities, volunteers and friends who are moved to make a measurable difference in the lives of vulnerable women and children and help communities prepare for and recover from climate-influenced events. Join us on this life-changing journey. Subscribe below!

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Monday, Oct 28, 2013

The Power of Neighbors: Lessons from Ghana

As the one-year anniversary approaches, we are checking in with select sites that were impacted by Hurricane Sandy, which struck the Caribbean and eastern US in late October 2012. On a recent visit to Episcopal Relief & Development’s New York City offices,

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Tuesday, Oct 22, 2013

Episcopal Service Corps and Episcopal Relief & Development Partner for Disaster Recovery in Staten Island

As the one-year anniversary approaches, we are checking in with select sites that were impacted by Hurricane Sandy, which struck the Caribbean and eastern US in late October 2012. I decided to join the Episcopal Service Corps, kind of at the last minute. I saw a posting on

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Tuesday, Oct 15, 2013

‘This is a gift’

“This is a gift.” That is what the 27-year-old Omar Isaias Lazo said to me in late August about the agriculture and environmental exchange program run by our partner, the Council of Protestant Churches (CEPAD), in Nicaragua. We were at his field in the community of Los Pintos, and I had

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Sunday, Oct 13, 2013

Partners Help Reduce Risk Through Disaster Preparedness Program

Today is International Day of Disaster Reduction; an annual observance by the United Nations to raise awareness of how people take action to reduce their risk to disasters. For Episcopal Relief & Development’s partners, however, it’s a reality that they are forced to observe far to

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Monday, Oct 07, 2013

Plantain Cooperative Expands Economic Opportunities

The following blog was originally posted on the CEPAD (Council of Protestant Churches of Nicaragua) website. 
Last week farmers in Nueva Guinea signed an agreement with the San Antonio bank to create a new cooperative plantain business that leader Yalena Hernandez

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Tuesday, Oct 01, 2013

St. Francis Day- Giving A Gift for Life

On Friday, October 4th, a very peculiar saint will be honored throughout the Christian world. Although he was from a wealthy family, he chose to live in poverty. He preached to a Sultan in Egypt, a flock of birds in the trees, and a ferocious wolf. He founded orders for men and women, and in 2013

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