
Our Stories of Lasting Change are filled with hope, inspiration and love in action. They reflect the experiences of Episcopal Relief & Development partners, staff, participant communities, volunteers and friends who are moved to make a measurable difference in the lives of vulnerable women and children and help communities prepare for and recover from climate-influenced events. Join us on this life-changing journey. Subscribe below!

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Friday, Apr 18, 2014

Easter Sunday: The Inclusive Body of Christ

By Robert W. Radtke

This reflection for Easter Sunday is from the eleventh edition of Episcopal Relief & Development's Lenten Meditation booklet. Leaders from across the Anglican Communion were invited to reflect on their favorite scriptures and other resources. 

Jesus said to h

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Thursday, Apr 17, 2014

Good Friday – Give Ourselves in Love

By Gay Clark Jennings



It is Good Friday. A somber and painful day.  A day of betrayal and suffering. Jesus stands accused and convicted. His friends have deserted him. Peter denies him. He is flogged, given a crown of thorns by the soldiers,

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Wednesday, Apr 16, 2014

Maundy Thursday: The Last Shall be First

By Sean McConnell

I think more than any other, Maundy Thursday services are the ones I remember most from my childhood. I always thought they were peculiar and mysterious. Since I’m a PK (priest’s kid), it was my dad I remember most. He would sit on

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Friday, Apr 11, 2014

From Receivers to Givers

By Floyd Lawlet

In February, St. James High School and the Episcopal Deanery of Besao, Philippines, hosted the 39th Convention of the Diocese of the Philippines in an amazing display of hospitality, a hallmark of Igorot culture. This was an expression of gratitude to all those who contributed to th

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Monday, Apr 07, 2014

Healing a Hurting World, Literally!

By Nagulan Nesiah

Beti Marandi and Mehdi Hansda are two ordinary housewives from a small village in India, who are doing extraordinary things for their community. These women, along with 30 others, recently participated in First Aid training through th

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Thursday, Mar 27, 2014

Want to Get a Kid’s Attention? Talk about poo!

By Sean McConnell

Recently, my colleague Katie Mears and I were invited to make a presentation to the Gooden School, an Episcopal school in Sierra Madre, California. Gooden is a K
8 school, and I started wondering how we could possibly hold the attention of children who are as you

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