
Explore our Stories of Lasting Change. Each one is filled with hope, transformation and love from communities and our partners, staff and volunteers around the globe. See what’s possible when compassion drives action. Subscribe below to stay connected!
Giving in the Midst of Gratitude
We love the creative ways people come together to raise awareness around Episcopal Relief & Development. This year we’ve seen a BBQ contest in Texas, a bike riding fundraiser in Virginia and a festival in Connecticut, just to name a few. A recent trend emerging is around weddings. Yes!
Unselfish Giving
In this story we see how friendships are built and how giving connects people in profound ways – from donor, to staff to participants – it takes all hands. #AllHands75
I remember my third full month here at Episcopal Relief & Development vividly.
Creating Opportunities in Rural Ghana
By Meg Hall
Known colloquially as simply “Bolga,” the large town of Bolgatanga is the crafts center of Ghana’s Upper East region. The open-air Bolgatanga Market, open every third day, provides a livelihood for many residents—from woven baskets and
The Reverend Gail Ganter-Toback – A Lasting Legacy
By Mike Smith
The Reverend Deacon Gail Ganter
Toback gives away a lot of what she has. “I don’t need twenty sweaters,” she told me recently at lunch in midtown Manhattan. Gail is a member of Episcopal Relief & Development’s Matthew 25
Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls through Education and Action
Earlier this year, during the 2014 UN Commission on the Status of Women events in March, I had the privilege of talking with Sandra Andrade, the Coordinator of SADD (Serviçio Anglicano de Diaconio e Desenvolvimento, pronounced as “sadj”), our partner organization in Brazil.
Getting Ready for the Donkeys
By Sara Delaney
During a recent visit up in Northern Ghana, I had the opportunity to sit down under nice shady tree and chat with Alan
eta Atubiga, one of the 100 women who has chosen to participate in our Gates Grand Challenge Grant project. After hearing about the