
Our Stories of Lasting Change are filled with hope, inspiration and love in action. They reflect the experiences of Episcopal Relief & Development partners, staff, participant communities, volunteers and friends who are moved to make a measurable difference in the lives of vulnerable women and children and help communities prepare for and recover from climate-influenced events. Join us on this life-changing journey. Subscribe below!

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Friday, Jul 18, 2014

The Reverend Gail Ganter-Toback – A Lasting Legacy

By Mike Smith
The Reverend Deacon Gail Ganter
Toback gives away a lot of what she has. “I don’t need twenty sweaters,” she told me recently at lunch in midtown Manhattan. Gail is a member of Episcopal Relief & Development’s Matthew 25

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Wednesday, Jul 16, 2014

Tackling Gender-Based Violence through Education and Action

Earlier this year, during the 2014 UN Commission on the Status of Women events in March, I had the privilege of talking with Sandra Andrade, the Coordinator of SADD (Serviçio Anglicano de Diaconio e Desenvolvimento, pronounced as “sadj”), our partner organization in Brazil. 

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Friday, Jul 11, 2014

Getting Ready for the Donkeys

By Sara Delaney
During a recent visit up in Northern Ghana, I had the opportunity to sit down under nice shady tree and chat with Alan
eta Atubiga, one of the 100 women who has chosen to participate in our Gates Grand Challenge Grant project. After hearing about the 

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Tuesday, Jul 08, 2014

Guatemalan Youth Make a Difference through Reforestation Program

By Meg Hall
This week our team is attending the Episcopal Youth Event 2014, or EYE14. For the uninitiated, EYE14 is a gathering of Episcopal youth to discuss the social issues of our time as well as consider deeper engagement with those issues. It’s pretty awesome

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Sunday, Jul 06, 2014

Louisville Church Joins with Sudanese Congregation to Care for Displaced

By Chad Brinkman
Disasters come in many forms. In most cases, we think of disasters in terms of natural phenomena like earthquakes and hurricanes. The reality is that disasters can be anything that disrupts the function of a community or creates loss of life and

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Friday, Jul 04, 2014

Celebrating Independence and Praying For Peace

By Mike Smith
This July 4, we celebrated the 238th anniversary of our country’s declaration of independence. As I left the house yesterday morning, our family was contemplating how we might spend the day: the beach, a cookout, fireworks display. Maybe 

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