
Our Stories of Lasting Change are filled with hope, inspiration and love in action. They reflect the experiences of Episcopal Relief & Development partners, staff, participant communities, volunteers and friends who are moved to make a measurable difference in the lives of vulnerable women and children and help communities prepare for and recover from climate-influenced events. Join us on this life-changing journey. Subscribe below!

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Tuesday, Jun 24, 2014

Disaster Risk Reduction Also Heals

By Nagulan Nesiah
A few weeks ago, we shared a story on a group of elderly folks in rural China who are making a difference in their community by cleaning up their local river and installing a system to bring fresh water to their homes. On the opposite end of the age

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Tuesday, Jun 17, 2014

Celebrating our Shared History

By Esther Cohen
Do you know…. about Episcopal Migration Ministries, the refugee resettlement program of the Episcopal Church? Do you know….that they assist thousands of refugees from around the world to build new lives in 30 communities around the 

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Saturday, Jun 14, 2014

Happy “Papa’s” Day!

By Rob Radtke
Just a few weeks ago, I attended my daughter’s high school graduation, a milestone that caused me to reflect on being a father.  My wife and I are fortunate to have a daughter that sees the world in terms of possibilities, and believes

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Wednesday, Jun 11, 2014

Zadock and Luke: A Passion for Fatherhood

By Mike Smith
I visited two dads in Kenya recently. In fact, I stayed overnight in their homes. Both men and their families participate in programs managed by our partner Anglican Development Services (ADS), Nyanza, and I was there to see it up close. The program

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Tuesday, Jun 10, 2014

Age is Nothing But a Number

By Nagulan Nesiah.
In partnership with the Amity Foundation, Episcopal Relief & Development began a program in China to combat pollution and improve health in rural communities such as the Puxi Village. In the Puxi Village, a tiny locale in south

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Friday, May 23, 2014

Academic Partnerships Equip Communities for a Brighter Future

By Angela Siele
This blog was written by Angela Siele, a student at Cornell University, who shares her experience of working in Burundi with Episcopal Relief & Development, in partnership with Cornell University’s College of Agriculture and Life 

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