
Our Stories of Lasting Change are filled with hope, inspiration and love in action. They reflect the experiences of Episcopal Relief & Development partners, staff, participant communities, volunteers and friends who are moved to make a measurable difference in the lives of vulnerable women and children and help communities prepare for and recover from climate-influenced events. Join us on this life-changing journey. Subscribe below!

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Monday, Oct 27, 2014

Superstorm Sandy: Rebuilding and Recovery

When Hurricane Sandy hit the US East Coast two years ago, I was hunkered down with my cat in our apartment in Brooklyn.  Encouraged by our US Disaster Program staff and having gone through Hurricane Irene the year before, I had bought extra peanut butter and a couple gallons of drinking water

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Tuesday, Oct 21, 2014

Holy Water: Constructing a Rain-Water Reservoir

In the area where I live in Sri Lanka, we are currently experiencing an extended water cut, a result of inadequate maintenance of public infrastructure.  The last water cut we experienced in early August (for similar reasons) lasted four days. Household potable water is a comfort 

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Wednesday, Oct 15, 2014

Third Time’s the Charm?

World Food Day is October 16, 2014. The goal throughout the year is to raise awareness of the challenges facing family farming which is the largest employer in the world. In this blog, Sara Delaney shares the challenges she witnessed in India. This past July I walked with 

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Sunday, Oct 12, 2014

Global Church Partners Complete Disaster Toolkit

What has been increasingly clear in the last few months is the valuable role of faith communities in our troubled world.  In Liberia, populations affected by Ebola are more inclined to listen to health messaging from their priests than from the government health officers. In Central America, 

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Wednesday, Oct 08, 2014

A Reason to Go Out

Day of the Girl is on October 11th, a great time to remember the importance of empowering girls and women. In this story we learn that sometimes the simplest things can help. When I went to central India in August to visit a new agriculture program we have started there with CASA

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Friday, Sep 26, 2014

St. Francis’ Day: Animals as Blessings

On St. Francis’ Day, many Episcopal churches open their doors to animals of every kind. Fuzzy, furry, feathered and scaled. Slimy, soft, cuddly and jumpy; people and their animal companions come to church on that day for the animals to be blessed. A beautiful gesture to be sure, and in my mind

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