
Our Stories of Lasting Change are filled with hope, inspiration and love in action. They reflect the experiences of Episcopal Relief & Development partners, staff, participant communities, volunteers and friends who are moved to make a measurable difference in the lives of vulnerable women and children and help communities prepare for and recover from climate-influenced events. Join us on this life-changing journey. Subscribe below!

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Thursday, Jan 22, 2015

The Art of Patience – From the Garden to the Subway Platform

Last week while impatiently waiting for the train to arrive in New York, I made myself think back to a conversation I had just recently had with two farmers in rural Nicaragua. We had just wrapped up a farmer exchange workshop, hosted by our partner CEPAD, and I asked two of the farmers who had 

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Thursday, Jan 15, 2015

All of This is in the Reach of our Hands

Over a hot, humid, rainy week in Nicaragua recently, I spent some time with our partner there, the Council of Protestant Churches of Nicaragua (CEPAD). This was my third visit to see their work, and I’ve written in previous years about the amazing mega gardens that small farmers have created 

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Monday, Jan 12, 2015

Haiti 2015 : Remembrance, Reflection and a Hopeful Look to the Future

There is a Haitian proverb that says, ‘Se lè ou nan malè ou konnen si ou gen bon zanmi’ which translates to ‘It is in difficult times that you know who your good friends are.’ This proverb rings especially true for our brothers and sisters in Haiti, even now, 

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Wednesday, Jan 07, 2015

1998 Ice Storm: Suddenly We Were the Community in Need

As we celebrate 75 years of Healing a Hurting World we’re looking back on historical events including the severe ice storm that struck Maine in 1998. It was situations like this that led to the development of the US Disaster Program.
For anyone living in

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Monday, Dec 29, 2014

Reflections for the New Year: Real People. Real Hope. Real Life.

When Bishop Bainbridge called me eight years ago and asked me to consider joining the board of Episcopal Relief & Development, I could not have been more pleased. When any of us signs on as a new bishop, we understand that part of the deal means pitching in to do our part to support the work

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Monday, Dec 22, 2014

Joy to the World. The Lord is Come!

Did you ever think about why this classic hymn uses “Joy is Come!” Rather than Joy has come?”  It isn’t just poetry. The oldtime hymn writers are actually pointing to something deep within our Christian consciousness.  Joy, in the Gospel stories, is about the

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