
Our Stories of Lasting Change are filled with hope, inspiration and love in action. They reflect the experiences of Episcopal Relief & Development partners, staff, participant communities, volunteers and friends who are moved to make a measurable difference in the lives of vulnerable women and children and help communities prepare for and recover from climate-influenced events. Join us on this life-changing journey. Subscribe below!

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Tuesday, Feb 17, 2015

Ash Wednesday: One Body in Christ

During Lent we will periodically highlight passages from the 2015 Lenten Meditation booklet. This first one is from President Rob Radtke. Enjoy! Few passages from scripture describe better the ethos of Episcopal Relief & Development than Paul’s Letter to the Romans. It takes all of us,

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Friday, Feb 13, 2015

Sharing the Legacy: Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday

Lord, when was it that  We saw you hungry and gave you food? We saw you thirsty and gave you something to drink? We saw you a stranger and welcomed you? We saw you sick and took care of you? We saw you in prison and visited you? ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least

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Wednesday, Feb 11, 2015

Super Bowl Scrooges Unite to Make a Difference

Throughout the year people come up with creative ways to raise money for Episcopal Relief & Development. One popular and fun way has been during major sporting events like the World Series or the Super Bowl. For instance, as a result of your generous support, this year there was a 33% increase 

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Monday, Feb 09, 2015

Emerging Seminarian Leaders Prepare for Their Pilgrimage to Ghana with Episcopal Relief & Development

In the next few weeks, two emerging seminary leaders will join others, including the Presiding Bishop, on Episcopal Relief & Development’s pilgrimage to Ghana, Africa. Charles Bauer and Lisa Jacoby are the recipients of the 2015 Episcopal Relief & Development Ghana Pilgrimage Seminary

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Wednesday, Feb 04, 2015

Trending Now – The New Way to Grow Vegetables!

I’m often out of touch with current fads or trends, especially here in the United States, since I spend close to half my time traveling around to see our programs. I have now lost count of the number of times that someone here in New York has given me an incredulous look when I admit that I 

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Friday, Jan 30, 2015

Academic Partnership In Burundi: Sharing Strengths

Last May, we shared a blog by Angela Siele, the first student to participate in our agriculture program in Burundi as part of our exciting new partnership with Cornell University. This blog is a new story shared by the Emily Ambrose, the second student to participate in this growing partnership 

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