
Explore our Stories of Lasting Change. Each one is filled with hope, transformation and love from communities and our partners, staff and volunteers around the globe. See what’s possible when compassion drives action. Subscribe below to stay connected!
La Planificación Financiera Inspira a Mujeres Guatemaltecas a Invertir en el Futuro
This story is a translated version of a previous story: Inspiring Women to Invest in Their Futures through Financial Planning.
En Guatemala, pequeños grupos de residentes de poblados están realizando un trabajo conjunto, para
World Malaria Day: Invest in the Future
The World Health Organization reports that “we are winning the fight against malaria,” but warns there is the risk of resurgence if we don’t take care to sustain the gains made so far against this disease, which still kills an estimated 430,000 children each year.
Green Hills School and NetsforLife®: Changing the World Through Innovation
Imagine a classroom where there are no desks, and where students are encouraged to write directly on the table in front of them. Imagine a classroom where students are given the latest technology to build trebuchets and catapults, implements of medieval warfare, to better connect and understand
Learning to Live in Hope of Resurrection
I have to admit that writing a blog for Good Friday is a real challenge for me. To me, Good Friday has always felt like one of those inevitable processes that you have to get through to reach the glorious and grace
filled outcome on the other side. As we know, there would be no Easter without Good
Maundy Thursday: To Serve is to Love
“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” —John 13:34
35 This is the commandment Jesus gave to his disciples as he humbly washed their feet
What Makes You Feel Independent?
I traveled to Ghana earlier this month with some clear expectations. I hadn’t been to visit our program there since last May, when we were just kicking off our Grand Challenges Explorations Grant program, as I wrote about in Getting Ready for the Donkeys. At that point, 100 women had decided