
Explore our Stories of Lasting Change. Each one is filled with hope, transformation and love from communities and our partners, staff and volunteers around the globe. See what’s possible when compassion drives action. Subscribe below to stay connected!
World Food Day – A Community Volunteer Helps to Eradicate Hunger in India
World Food Day is October 16. A time when people around the world come together to declare their commitment to eradicate hunger in our lifetime. In this blog we meet Seema, a community volunteer doing her part in India. #WFD2015 _________________________________ I met Seema on a hot, muggy a
International Panel of Experts Share Experiences on Day for Disaster Reduction
International Day for Disaster Reduction is October 13, and the theme for 2015 is how communities are using traditional, indigenous and local knowledge to prepare for and respond to disasters. For Episcopal Relief & Development and its partners worldwide – including in the United States
Empowering Women and Girls: The Rule, Not the Exception (and it’s not just a women’s issue)
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action
one of the most comprehensive and progressive global agendas for women and girls’ equality and empowerment. The momentum for ensuring that gender is at the forefront of national and international social,
Creationism: Franciscan Style
I’ve taken to calling myself a creationist these days, in part (grinning impishly) because I like to see how people react and in part because I have come to believe. (Still grinning impishly.) But really – because of St. Francis – I have come to believe in creation.
Here’s Why Episcopalians Like the Sustainable Development Goals
Today, Friday, September 25th, the General Assembly is expected to adopt a post-2015 development agenda, otherwise known as the “Sustainable Development Goals” or SDGs. These 17 goals succeed the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) that conclude at the end of 2015.
So, What’s Up with the Sustainable Development Goals?
This week, New York City—and especially the neighborhood where the Episcopal Church Center is located—is buzzing with activity. The Pope is coming to town, along with hundreds of other world leaders, including the President of the United States, to attend the United Nations