
Our Stories of Lasting Change are filled with hope, inspiration and love in action. They reflect the experiences of Episcopal Relief & Development partners, staff, participant communities, volunteers and friends who are moved to make a measurable difference in the lives of vulnerable women and children and help communities prepare for and recover from climate-influenced events. Join us on this life-changing journey. Subscribe below!

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Wednesday, Dec 09, 2015

Timeless Stories of Laughter During Advent

  It was the fourth Sunday in Advent, and our Christian Education team wanted to do something a little “different” for the children’s sermon.  After all, the children were restless, Christmas was just around the corner, and it certainly seemed like a good opportunity

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Thursday, Dec 03, 2015

The Story of St. Nicholas

Once upon a time, there was a young boy. This boy was born into both profound wealth and deep faith. His parents raised him to love Jesus and to be good to others. He knew that all he had was a gift from God, and that he was to honor God in how he lived with these gifts and shared them with others.

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Tuesday, Dec 01, 2015

World AIDS Day 2015 – Thoughts from Mozambique

December 1st is World AIDS Day. It’s an opportunity to demonstrate international solidarity for people living with HIV and to commemorate the spirit of those who have died battling the deadly disease. Below is a dispatch from Rebecca J. Vander Muelen, the Director of Community Development for

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Monday, Nov 23, 2015

Responding to Global Need, Hunger Program Legacy Lives On

Over the course of the 75th Anniversary Celebration, our 75 Stories Project has given me the opportunity to hear from many of Episcopal Relief & Development’s supporters and friends.  This very special blog post comes from two people whose work with the Hunger Program of The Episcopal C

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Thursday, Nov 19, 2015

Be Not Afraid

Our Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry, calls us to “Be not afraid.” I take his words to heart in these tense times.  Terrorism is not an abstract risk around the world and certainly not in New York City where I live with my family. If you let it, fear can paralyze you.  However

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Monday, Nov 02, 2015

New Kid on the Block

As one of the newer staff members at Episcopal Relief & Development, there has been much for me to learn about the organization. From our life saving work post
disaster, to our community development programs around the world, I truly feel that I am just one small piece of a much larger purpose.

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