
Explore our Stories of Lasting Change. Each one is filled with hope, transformation and love from communities and our partners, staff and volunteers around the globe. See what’s possible when compassion drives action. Subscribe below to stay connected!
Working Together in Response to This Year’s Not So Little ‘El Nino’
El Nino episodes occur every 3-5 years, and result in changes in rainfall patterns globally, therefore leading to the potential of either drought, or heavy rains and flooding – both of which can hugely disrupt the seasons of the small family farmers we work with.
A Center for Hope in Za’atari Camp
Displaced Syrians Help and Find Healing with Holy Land Institute for the Deaf
The Courage to Look and Not Turn Away
When I kneel before the Cross this Good Friday, my mind will turn to the many ways the world is hurting right now. I pray that I will have the courage to look and not turn away.
The Concept of Enough
It’s hard to think about what enough means after a disaster. With so many people so acutely struggling right in your own community, you know you must do something. But how many things can you do?
The Glory of God in Nature and Fellowship
My time at Holy Cross is for prayer, reflection and reading. Long walks in the John Burroughs Nature Sanctuary enable me to reflect on the glory of God in nature.
The Candle of Prayer in All of Us
On Palm Sunday, Jesus rides into Jerusalem in triumph – on a donkey. He arrives not as the force-wielding conquering hero, but as the man who listens to dreams of every person and says, “you are already loved by God.”