
Our Stories of Lasting Change are filled with hope, inspiration and love in action. They reflect the experiences of Episcopal Relief & Development partners, staff, participant communities, volunteers and friends who are moved to make a measurable difference in the lives of vulnerable women and children and help communities prepare for and recover from climate-influenced events. Join us on this life-changing journey. Subscribe below!

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Tuesday, Mar 22, 2016

The Glory of God in Nature and Fellowship

 My time at Holy Cross is for prayer, reflection and reading. Long walks in the John Burroughs Nature Sanctuary enable me to reflect on the glory of God in nature. 

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Sunday, Mar 20, 2016

The Candle of Prayer in All of Us

On Palm Sunday, Jesus rides into Jerusalem in triumph – on a donkey. He arrives not as the force-wielding conquering hero, but as the man who listens to dreams of every person and says, “you are already loved by God.”

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Thursday, Mar 17, 2016

Pádraig, the Shepherd Slave

As a boy, Pádraig had not been much for the Christian religion of his parents. In fact, he never was sure what all the fuss was about. From the outset of his captivity, however, the boy found himself praying to that God he did not know so well.

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Thursday, Mar 10, 2016

The Spiritual Practice of Listening

I was with God and God’s people, but I was not yet in dialogue with God or my fellow Christians. I could hear, but I was not listening.

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Wednesday, Mar 09, 2016

Recognizing and Reinforcing the Things We Already Have

Episcopal Relief & Development is a collaborative venture – joining us together with our partners around the Anglican Communion and our neighbors living in marginalized communities around the world.

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Monday, Mar 07, 2016

Engaging Men of Faith to Be Champions in the Fight to End Sexual and Gender-Based Violence

Episcopal Relief & Development president Rob Radtke reflects on the pursuit of true gender equality and ask the question, what is men’s role in the process?

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