
Explore our Stories of Lasting Change. Each one is filled with hope, transformation and love from communities and our partners, staff and volunteers around the globe. See what’s possible when compassion drives action. Subscribe below to stay connected!
St. Jude’s raises funds for Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday
St. Jude’s from Niceville, Florida collectively raised $5,000 for Episcopal Relief & Development’s with the intention to buy a well for an entire village. Read more to discover how St. Jude’s acted on faith to reach their fundrasing goal that will help to provide clean water and allow families to grow strong for the future.
In Conversation: Challenging the “Resource-Scarce” Mindset in Development
Do you like to go deeper – get underneath the skin of things? Then this story is for you! Read this three-part conversation that happened between program officers Kellie McDaniel, Sara Delaney and Vanessa Pizer. The team reflects on an article that framed development issues from a scarcity worldview versus the asset-based worldview that Episcopal Relief & Development takes. As the conversation unfolds, interesting questions are raised and important differences are identified.
Top 10 Stories of 2016
2016 came and went, but it left us with lessons learned, progress measured, and disasters relieved and recovered. Take a look at the Top 10 Stories of 2016: read, review, and share tales of compassion, justice, community, and renewal.
On To The New Year!
In this blog, Esther Cohen shares her feelings about time speeding by and reflects on the growth of Episcopal Relief & Development.
The Dignity of Christmas
In this blog Episcopal Relief & Development’s president Rob Radtke recognizes the humble yet dignified beginnings of the Holy Family during Christmas and looks to our partners to recognize the dignity in all that they do.
Famous Paintings of the Holy Family
Enjoy this slide show of famous paintings of the Holy Family.