
Our Stories of Lasting Change are filled with hope, inspiration and love in action. They reflect the experiences of Episcopal Relief & Development partners, staff, participant communities, volunteers and friends who are moved to make a measurable difference in the lives of vulnerable women and children and help communities prepare for and recover from climate-influenced events. Join us on this life-changing journey. Subscribe below!

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Tuesday, Oct 18, 2016

A New Creation Rises in the Philippines

In this blog, read about the new Sabang-Bao housing development in the Philippines, almost three years in the making, that is now home to 80 families who have worked, saved and paid for their new community. Past homes were temporary structures that were at the mercy of typhoons, easily destroyed. This is the situation that potentialy would have passed along to their children and their children’s children. But now, there is hope for a more secure future.

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Friday, Oct 07, 2016

L’espoir Fait Vivre (Where There is Hope There is Life)

Episcopal Relief & Development’s Program Officer in Haiti, Ernest Cajuste, shares his account of Hurricane Matthew and expresses hope as the country responds and prepares for recovery.

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Monday, Oct 03, 2016

Blessings of the Farm

In this blog Lisa Ransom of Grow Compost Vermont shares a prayer for all of creation’s animals to honor St. Francis, Patron Saint of Animals and Ecology.

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Thursday, Sep 29, 2016

It Takes A Village

In this blog, follow Sara Delaney as she and her husband become parents for the first time and discover that it does take a village, or support system, to raise a child, especially when you’re trying to get them to eat! On World Food Day, Sara shows us that we should think of food as more than what grows from the ground or can be purchased from a market; food is a part of us. 

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Thursday, Sep 15, 2016

Thinking About & Preparing For Disasters

Thinking about a possible disaster can be overwhelming for many people, but preparing for the “what-ifs,” as you will see in this blog post, will help you. Here’s a blog article from the perspective of our Episcopal Relief & Development US Disaster Team with easy-to-follow steps and resources to help you be resilient in times of a disaster.

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Thursday, Aug 18, 2016

Flooding in Louisiana – Assisting at The Right Time

Find out the best way to volunteer in response to the flooding in Louisiana.

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