
Our Stories of Lasting Change are filled with hope, inspiration and love in action. They reflect the experiences of Episcopal Relief & Development partners, staff, participant communities, volunteers and friends who are moved to make a measurable difference in the lives of vulnerable women and children and help communities prepare for and recover from climate-influenced events. Join us on this life-changing journey. Subscribe below!

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Monday, Apr 24, 2017

World Malaria Day: A conversation about legacy, process and a commitment to reach more families

April 25th is World Malaria Day. In this conversation, we speak with program officers, Priscilla Amuah and Hilary Abii Asiah about the legacy and impact of our Netsforlife® malaria prevention program and the expanding partnerships that are helping us reach more families. We also gain a deeper understanding of our role in the monitoring and evaluation process.

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Sunday, Apr 23, 2017

World Malaria Day: A Legacy of Community Engagement Sets Stage for Further Gains in Development

For World Malaria Day Melissa Crutchfield, Director of Community Impact, takes a closer look at the state of our award-winning, flagship program Netsforlife® and its role with integrated health development to transform and empower communities.

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Thursday, Apr 13, 2017

President Robert W. Radtke Shares Easter Meditation

We invite you to join us as we encounter this Lenten journey together. Know that you are in our hearts and prayers this season as we invite you to pray for the people we serve and for our staff and friends who commit their lives to healing a hurting world. 

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Thursday, Apr 13, 2017

Good Friday: Joy Comes in The Morning

A Good Friday Blog:

“Weeping may linger for the night, but joy comes with the morning.”

– Psalms 30:5

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Wednesday, Apr 12, 2017

Maundy Thursday: Love One Another

On Maundy Thursday, we participate in the act of humility and self-sacrifice. We follow Christ’s example of washing the feet of one another. In this blog, Sean McConnell encourages us to think about what the equivalent of feet washing is in the modern day. 

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Wednesday, Apr 05, 2017

Palm Sunday: A Crime of Passion

The Rt. Rev. Jake Owensby writes about passion. Read this blog to learn about Christ’s passion for bringing Heaven down to earth and be encouraged to love and heal a hurting world.

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