
Our Stories of Lasting Change are filled with hope, inspiration and love in action. They reflect the experiences of Episcopal Relief & Development partners, staff, participant communities, volunteers and friends who are moved to make a measurable difference in the lives of vulnerable women and children and help communities prepare for and recover from climate-influenced events. Join us on this life-changing journey. Subscribe below!

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Tuesday, Oct 10, 2017

Day of the Girl | Empowered Girls Strengthen Communities

On #DayoftheGirl, Jessica expresses the importance of girls development around the world.

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Tuesday, Oct 03, 2017

Early Childhood Development: An Exchange to Appreciate

In this blog, Kellie McDaniel, Senior Program Officer at Episcopal Relief & Development anticipates a co-learning opportunity between community partners from Zambia, Zimbabwe and Kenya on the topic of Integrated Early Childhood Development.

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Tuesday, Sep 26, 2017

The Water and Sanitation Mystery

In a recent report that our President Rob Radtke read, he came across a mystery. 

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Thursday, Sep 21, 2017

Changing How the Story Ends

Xerxes shares how inspired he has been by the giving hearts of donors to Episcopal Relief & Development.

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Thursday, Sep 14, 2017

Loving God, Yourself and Others in Disaster Response

In this blog, Sean McConnell reminds us that disaster response is not a sprint, but a marathon and that an essential part of helping others begins with love.

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Thursday, Sep 07, 2017

Lessons from Katrina and How to Help After A Disaster

The 12th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina was last week, coinciding with the landfall of Hurricane Harvey and now Irma. In this blog, the Rev. David Knight offers a reflection on how he and his community recovered from this catastrophic disaster. As we respond to immediate and long-term needs during intense hurricane season, Father Knight shares thoughtful tips and lessons for anyone who wants to help communities impacted by the storms.

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