
Our Stories of Lasting Change are filled with hope, inspiration and love in action. They reflect the experiences of Episcopal Relief & Development partners, staff, participant communities, volunteers and friends who are moved to make a measurable difference in the lives of vulnerable women and children and help communities prepare for and recover from climate-influenced events. Join us on this life-changing journey. Subscribe below!

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Monday, Jan 01, 2024

Offering Love & Kindness for 2024

As we enter 2024, Episcopal Relief & Development President & CEO Rob Radtke, reflects on growing up in a rectory and asks what greater gift we can offer each other this coming year than love and kindness.

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Thursday, Dec 21, 2023

Taylor Swift, Beyonce and Lasting Change

What can a Taylor Swift and Beyoncé concert teach us about creating lasting change in the world? Teri Lawvner, Chair of the Episcopal Relief & Development Board, shares her reflections and insights.

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Tuesday, Nov 21, 2023

Grateful at Thanksgiving

Josephine Hicks thanks her family for their contributions to faith, education, and public health while highlighting Episcopal Relief & Development’s impactful community work this Thanksgiving.

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Wednesday, Nov 08, 2023

Celebrating 15 Years of Shared Ministry

In 2007, two young boys from St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Bethesda, Maryland, collected coins from students during Sunday School for Episcopal Relief & Development’s Gifts for Life campaign. Fifteen years later, the church celebrates the ongoing efforts and their nearly a quarter-million-dollar contribution.

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Wednesday, Oct 11, 2023

How Climate-Smart Farming Innovations Address Food Insecurity in Nicaragua

Santos and 987 farmers and gardeners received climate resilience training from CEPAD and Episcopal Relief & Development in 2022. Santos has implemented new practices that increased yields thanks to the training, making him more financially secure. Santos’ success story is a testament to the effectiveness of climate resilience training in promoting sustainable agriculture and improving livelihoods for farmers in Nicaragua.

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Thursday, Sep 21, 2023

Neighbors Helping Neighbors in Northern California

Following the 2021 Northern California wildfires that burned over 200,000 acres, displaced many, and destroyed homes, schools, and businesses, Episcopal Relief & Development worked with partners to help restore and rebuild.

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