
Our Stories of Lasting Change are filled with hope, inspiration and love in action. They reflect the experiences of Episcopal Relief & Development partners, staff, participant communities, volunteers and friends who are moved to make a measurable difference in the lives of vulnerable women and children and help communities prepare for and recover from climate-influenced events. Join us on this life-changing journey. Subscribe below!

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Wednesday, Sep 05, 2018

Five Tips for ‘Gifts For life’

Five Tips for ‘Gifts for Life’ – Anne Browne’s passion is Gifts for Life. She deeply appreciates how they empower local partners, offering individuals and communities the ability to help themselves in ways that respect their home, history and culture. In this blog we capture five great tips on how to personalize your giving throughout the year using the catalog.

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Tuesday, Sep 04, 2018

A New Look Reflects An Exciting Time

In this blog President & CEO Rob Radtke reveals Episcopal Relief & Development’s updated logo and tagline. He looks back on the historical legacy of our look and provides insight on how we got here. Take a look!

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Wednesday, Aug 22, 2018

Harvey One Year Later

One year after Hurricane Harvey inundated South Texas, the recovery process seems almost as random as the storm itself. How are people doing? It depends. People with few resources are struggling, as if the storm had just hit. And for many, a nagging depression lingers. They know that full recovery is a long way away.

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Tuesday, Aug 21, 2018

Resilience Amidst Recovery: One-Year Anniversary of 2017 Major Hurricane Season

The 2017 Atlantic hurricane season emerged as the most damaging in recent history. Thanks to our compassionate community, Episcopal Relief & Development continues to work with church partners in the US and Caribbean on long-term recovery programs in the most vulnerable communities affected by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria.

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Tuesday, Aug 07, 2018

Episcopal Legacy Starts Early and Continues for a Lifetime and Beyond

Olive Liechty-DePonte is a long-time Episcopal Relief & Development supporter from California. Recently, Major Gifts Officer Richard Hoff had a chance to catch up with this amazing Episcopalian regarding her lifelong support of the organization.

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Tuesday, Jul 31, 2018

Farmers in Myanmar Diversify Crops For Economic Stability

With assistance from Episcopal Relief & Development and local partners, small-crop farmers in Myanmar are finding ways of keeping to their tradition of growing rice, while increasing their overall production and economic stability.

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