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Thursday, Apr 11, 2019

GOOD FRIDAY | You Just Have To Make Camp

I think about that bit of wisdom every year as Holy Week rolls around. Good Friday, especially, carries the weighty-ness not only of loss, but of being lost. This is unfamiliar, unfriendly, hostile terrain. I want to rush forward to Easter – to that sense of home, of being found, to an orientation of resurrection, redemption, and new life.

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Thursday, Apr 11, 2019

MAUNDY THURSDAY | Wash One Another’s Feet

I feel very strongly about foot washing. My feelings around foot washing are not particularly popular. There is around me a certain pressure to give people space, a feeling that I should not insist that people who show up to church on Maundy Thursday participate, that people should be made to feel invited and comfortable, that foot washing in the times of Jesus had a cultural meaning that western Christians cannot truly appreciate, etc., etc., and so we should just let it be. My gut reaction to all of these very hospitable solutions to the awkwardness of foot washing is to slyly roll my eyes and mutter under my breath, in a most fourteen year-old exaggerated tone, “What-ever.” 

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Friday, Apr 05, 2019

World Health Day 2019: Taking an Integrated Approach

Episcopal Relief & Development takes an integrated approach to the health and well-being of the those we partner with around the world. Our international partnerships address challenges in remote communities around the world, as well as in urban environments where extreme poverty persists. This World Health Day, we want to highlight some of our efforts in supporting unique, local, long-term initiatives that address the effects of hunger, poverty, disaster and disease.

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Friday, Apr 05, 2019

Faith-Based and Evidence-Driven: Meet the New Board Chair

Board member and Rector for the All Saints’ Episcopal Church Steven Paulikas sat down with Teri Lawver, Global Vice President of Johnson & Johnson Corporation and the new Board Chair of Episcopal Relief & Development. Teri shares stories of growing up Episcopalian and also talks about Episcopal Relief & Development’s focus on true, long-term change and impact.

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Monday, Mar 04, 2019

Ash Wednesday: God Loves Us Even in Our Dustiness

As we begin our Lenten journey, Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry reminds us of two remarkable aspects of Lent and connects us to The Way of Love.

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Wednesday, Jan 16, 2019

On the ground in California: Being Present with Communities Post-Disaster

Tamara Plummer, Program Officer for Asset Recognition, recounts her time in the Golden State late last year during and after the tense moments of the wildfires and Thousand Oaks shooting.

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