
Explore our Stories of Lasting Change. Each one is filled with hope, transformation and love from communities and our partners, staff and volunteers around the globe. See what’s possible when compassion drives action. Subscribe below to stay connected!
Mission Possible: Youth and the Power of the Holy Spirit
Last year, I told the sixty teenagers gathered in our parish hall that today was the day we would travel to the North Pole. They looked at me quizz...
Moments That Matter: One Mother’s Story
Millicent, a 29-year-old local community leader, lives with her family in Kasirere, a small village located in Kisumu County, Kenya. Her husband, G...
Volunteering is Ministry: Celebrating Our Volunteers
I accidentally stumbled upon volunteer management as a profession over six years ago. After graduating from seminary, a job description caught my e...
“Semper Gumby” is the Motto for the Rosebud Episcopal Mission
Each day during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Rosebud Episcopal Mission fought against a range of adversities to deliver supplies to most in need in partnership with Episcopal Relief & Development.
COVID Relief for Immigrants in Indianapolis
Episcopal Relief & Development partnered with the Episcopal Diocese of Indianapolis to help people without support systems during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Utility, Medical and Food Assistance in Appalachia
In partnership with Episcopal Relief & Development, Grace House on the Mountain helped over 8,000 people to fill their prescriptions, keep the lights on in their homes and feed their families during the COVID-19 pandemic.