Our Stories of Lasting Change are filled with hope, inspiration and love in action. They reflect the experiences of Episcopal Relief & Development partners, staff, participant communities, volunteers and friends who are moved to make a measurable difference in the lives of vulnerable women and children and help communities prepare for and recover from climate-influenced events. Join us on this life-changing journey. Subscribe below!
Motherhood through the Pandemic: Celebrating Mother’s Day in 2021
During an uncertain year, many staff members of Episcopal Relief & Development have grown in their motherhood and deepened the relationship wit...
The Role of Resilience in February’s Winter Freeze
Photo: Creating a walkway for food distribution. Church of the Resurrection, Texas, February 2021. “We lost power and so we sat in the cold and dar...
National Volunteer Week: Celebrating Congregational Ministry Partners
It all starts with a spark of caring enthusiasm – at an adult forum hosted by Episcopal Relief & Development for their congregation, while read...
A Year of COVID-19: Response, Recovery and Resilience
Neill Coleman, Chief Philanthropy Officer at Trinity Church Wall Street reflects on the partnership between Trinity Church Wall Street and Episcopal Relief & Development and how together in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the joint effort funded sixty-three international emergency response initiatives since March 2020.
Maundy Thursday | An Invitation to Reevaluate Our Priorities
by Miguel Angel Escobar Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me. ...
LENTEN REFLECTION | Creating A World That Is God’s Dream
by Tamara Plummer Then I acknowledged my sin to you, and did not conceal my guilt; I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord.” Then you...