
Our Stories of Lasting Change are filled with hope, inspiration and love in action. They reflect the experiences of Episcopal Relief & Development partners, staff, participant communities, volunteers and friends who are moved to make a measurable difference in the lives of vulnerable women and children and help communities prepare for and recover from climate-influenced events. Join us on this life-changing journey. Subscribe below!

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Friday, Mar 26, 2021

LENTEN REFLECTION | Creating A World That Is God’s Dream

by Tamara Plummer Then I acknowledged my sin to you, and did not conceal my guilt; I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord.” Then you...

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Monday, Mar 08, 2021


by Sandra T. Montes You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good.                                —Genesis 50:20 (NIV) Lent is a great time...

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Thursday, Jan 14, 2021

2020 in Review: Stories of Lasting Change

No one could have predicted at the beginning of last year that this is where we would be at the start of 2021. Through it all, we’ve been inspired ...

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Wednesday, Dec 30, 2020

My 2021 New Year’s Resolution: Hope

As we bid farewell to 2020, there cannot be many of us who look back on the year with unalloyed joy. By any measure, it’s been a tough and tragic y...

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Tuesday, Dec 22, 2020

The Irrational Season

Photo: Adoration of the Child by Gerrit Van Honthorst Today all across our homes, our politics and our nations, we stand poised between anguish and...

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Thursday, Dec 03, 2020

The Gifts of St. Nicholas

As a boy, I remember one Christmas when my mom woke me up in the middle of the night to show me Santa Claus had come to our home. I remember the bl...

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