
Explore our Stories of Lasting Change. Each one is filled with hope, transformation and love from communities and our partners, staff and volunteers around the globe. See what’s possible when compassion drives action. Subscribe below to stay connected!
Celebrate Your Church’s Impact
In 2021, Episcopal Relief & Development made a commitment to celebrate your congregations for your compassionate responses to suffering in the world. Episcopal Relief & Development’s tagline is “working together for lasting change,” and this would not be possible without the powerful agents -of -change that are our church partners.
Many Hands Make the Load Lighter
Ernest Cajuste, Senior Program Officer, Trauma & Resilience at Episcopal Relief & Development, shares his insight on growing up in Haiti and the coordinated efforts between Episcopal Relief & Development and Trinity Church Wall Street following the 2021 earthquake that left 650,000 people in need of emergency humanitarian assistance.
I come from a family of refugees. Now it’s my turn to help displaced persons.
The Rev. Steven D. Paulikas, rector of All Saints’ Church, shares his story of coming from a refugee family, how that has shaped his personal life and the work he oversees as an Episcopal Relief & Development board member.
Resilience Through the Storm: The Impact of Relationships During the Aftermath of Disasters
Josephine Hicks, Vice President for Episcopal Church Programs, shares the story of Stephannie and how she rebuilt with the help of her community following powerful tornadoes that ripped through Alabama in March 2021.
Creating Lasting Change a Few Minutes at a Time
Kat Millington breaks down Episcopal Relief & Development’s volunteer opportunities and different routes you can take to volunteer for the organization.
By Abagail Nelson Sabbath ends about an hour after sunset, when the first night star appears. Do we think that is when the women gathered (in a lea...