MAUNDY THURSDAY | Love One Another the Way That Jesus Loves Us

By the Most Rev. Michael Bruce Curry
You may remember the words to that song that many of us sang as children: “They’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love. Yes, they’ll know we are Christians by our love.” This is the sign to the world that we are followers of Jesus, that we love one another. On Maundy Thursday, Jesus gave us a new commandment: that we love one another the way that Jesus loves us.
How does Jesus love us? Jesus’s love is unselfish. It is sacrificial. It is unconditional. Jesus’s love seeks the good and the welfare and well-being of others. And you know what else? Jesus’s love is revolutionary. It is powerful. When we love others the way that Jesus loves us, we can change the world.
I truly believe that nothing in this world has ever changed for the good apart from somebody living the way of love. My father had polio as a boy. And the work of Jonas Salk and those who brought us the polio vaccine was done for the good, for the welfare and well-being of others. This was an unselfish act. That way of love was a revolutionary source for change.
This Maundy Thursday, I invite you to think about how that liberating and life-giving love has changed your life and how you can show others you are a follower of Jesus by your love.

The Most Rev. Michael Bruce Curry is the 27th Presiding Bishop and Primate of The Episcopal Church and the Honorary Chair (ex-officio) of Episcopal Relief & Development’s Board of Directors.