LENTEN MEDITATION | Come to the Table Where We Will Never be Hungry

By Dr. Delia Heck
Food is a basic necessity of life. Thriving individuals and families have enough healthy and nutritious food to not only survive but also to grow and develop. It is why in schools around the world, feeding programs are an integral component for success. Thriving communities not only feed themselves but also engage in sustainable agricultural practices, protect the environment and generate additional income.
We can fail to thrive spiritually as individuals or communities. We get “stuck in the muck” and stop growing and developing. We find ourselves separated from God by our words, our actions and even our thoughts. We forget that forgiveness is foundational to our relationship with God. Our sin and shame stop us from accepting the forgiveness that God provides. It can be difficult to accept that we are all invited to the table that sets us free from all our mistakes, errors and faults. Jesus became the bread of life that allows us to thrive in all that we do. We are invited to come to the table where we will never be hungry and we will never again be thirsty. It is up to us to accept the invitation and partake of the forgiveness that awaits us all.
This meditation is a part of the 2022 Lenten Meditations series. To receive the daily reflections, subscribe at episcopalrelief.org/lent.
Dr. Delia Heck is a professor at Ferrum College and a member of Episcopal Relief & Development’s Climate Resilience Community of Practice.