In Conversation: Our Faith Calls Us to Acts of Love

Chad Brinkman, the Director of Episcopal Relief & Development’s ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE campaign, interviews the Rev. William (Bill) Miller. Bill is the rector of Christ Episcopal Church in Covington, Louisiana.
Listen as Bill shares what prompted his acts of love and the steps he took to raise awareness and gifts to help vulnerable children thrive during their first 1,000 days of life.
This was a part of our faith response to the Gospel, a part of our calling as Christians to be a part of this.
Click to learn more about the ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE campaign. Digital Advent and worship resources, as well as other toolkits for churches and supporters to use together or individually, are also available.
The new Acts of Love BINGO card, Color Our World coloring pages and LOVE HUNT, an intergenerational scavenger hunt, encourage families and communities to share love and experiences and give their time, talent and treasure for ONE THOUSAND DAYS OF LOVE.

Image 1: Children in Myanmar studying and writing in notebooks.