Good Friday – Season of Transformation

As we recount the passion and suffering of our savior Jesus Christ, Good Friday offers us the opportunity to re-affirm our faith. Throughout the season a series of events with spiritual exercises is planned to culminate in celebration. We often head into the Easter weekend blessed with good weather, connecting with the wonderful world in which we live. This experience establishes the love of our creator for humanity. Like Christ, we too undergo a transformation. This is similar to the experience of Episcopal Relief & Development’s program in Zambia where we have partnered with the Zambia Anglican Council to incorporate early childhood development program into the overall community development effort.
This program is aimed at delivering high-impact, low-cost interventions that improve child and maternal health. Through our family-centered approach we are helping them build the skills and knowledge of caregivers and health workers to better support the health of children, pregnant women and those affected by HIV/AIDS. The program has been successful in doing this. In the past, they offered seeds and technical training so families could start their own farms and have hope for a sustainable livelihood. Now, families are healthier, more children are attending school and the community building continues – making the quality of life better for all. Through this integrated approach we are ensuring that life can be better, with food and good health for the entire family. Thinking about this kind of transformation warms my heart in anticipation of the resurrection of Christ.
Sam Asidedu Agyei is the Monitoring and Evaluation Manager for the African Regional Office and is based in Accra, Ghana.
Image: The Yellow Christ By Paul Gauguin, Oil on Canvas, 91.1cm x 74.4 cm, Albright-Knox Art Gallery