Expanding a Culture of Resilience

Expanding a Culture of Resilience is a video that tells the story of rural farmers in Nicaragua who have learned new ways to help alleviate hunger and end poverty within their communities for generations to come.
The Council of Protestant Churches of Nicaragua (CEPAD), a partner of Episcopal Relief & Development, facilitates a successful agricultural training program in which farmers are educated on the best methods to withstand harsh climate conditions, such as drought and flooding. Farmers learn agriculture management techniques including how to make micro-dams and irrigation ditches so as to conserve water and soil. They also learn about the benefits of diversifying their crops, such as improved soil fertility and household nutrition.
It’s quite amazing how effective this program is. Throughout Nicaragua, farmers who have received the CEPAD training share their new practices with other farmers, ensuring that rural community members have livelihoods that are productive and sustainable.
Take a moment to watch the video:
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Vanessa Pizer is a Senior Program Officer at Episcopal Relief & Development.