“A Shield in the Midst of Life’s Storms”

In mid-October, I traveled with Katie Mears, our Program Manager for US Disaster Preparedness and Response, to the town of West Pittston, Pennsylvania. West Pittston had suffered severe flooding after Hurricane Irene in 2011, when the Susquehanna River overflowed its banks. Trinity Episcopal Church, part of the Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem, helped disribute emergency relief supplies immediately following the flooding and is still working with homeowners whose houses can be rehabilitated.

When Katie and I visited, Father John and Janine were getting St. George’s ready to host a team of volunteers who could help put the finishing touches on the building – painting the kitchen cabinets, moving furniture so the carpet could be steam cleaned – and then start working on flood-damaged homes in West Pittston. Trinity has “adopted” two streets in the low-lying areas of town, where homes sustained significant flood damage and residents lack the financial resources to repair them on their own.

In the end, Sandy largely spared the area around West Pittston. Janine wrote to say that a few places had lost power, and that people were sheltering with friends and family. But the work that Father John and Janine have done over the past year on behalf of the diocese – readying St. George’s, establishing communications links with parishes, encouraging all congregations to create disaster response plans – was definitely tested and shown to be well worth the effort. Even though the need for disaster response this time was relatively small, the peace of mind that comes from being prepared and having emergency systems in place is a comfort in the midst of any storm.
Faith Rowold is the Communications Officer at Episcopal Relief & Development.
Photos: Top – Janine Ungvarsky and the Rev. John Major at the St. George Regional Disaster Recovery & Outreach Center in Nanticoke, PA
Bottom – A volunteer cleans pews at St. George’s before Hurricane Sandy (courtesy of Janine Ungvarsky)