Stories & Info
Holistic Approach, Wholehearted Yes (si!)
Today I received an email from Carlos Venturo, the Executive Director of ECLOF Peru, our ecumenical partner based in Lima. It is hard to believe a month has passed since my recent (and first) program visit. It reminded me of two things: our rich and long discussions around the program’s historical challenges, current impact, and musings over the future, and two that I needed to write a blog about my time there!
Solidarity Groups for Rural Women Feed Families, Fight Poverty
Viviana* has worked hard all her life.
Planting Hope in Nicaragua
Antonio is a community leader in the rural municipality of San Fransisco Libre, located on the north shore of Lake Managua in Nicaragua. It is a remote area with rocky soil and little rainfall, making it difficult to grow anything but the hardiest crops.
This is a Gift
“This is a gift.” That is what the 27-year-old Omar Isaias Lazo said to me in late August about the agriculture and environmental exchange program run by our partner, the Council of Protestant Churches (CEPAD), in Nicaragua.
A Young Doctor and Her Small Team are Making Things Better in El Salvador
Recently, I became involved in a lengthy discussion of health care. But it had nothing to do with the current back-and-forth in this country.