Leaving Serendib

The last two weeks didn’t go exactly as planned (program partner visits never really do), but the past two weeks were filled with rewards, both organizational and personal. I had the fortunate ability to witness firsthand the dedicated work of our local Church partners, while getting to enjoy one of my favorite Sri Lankan meals of lamprais (a traditional rice and curry meal first cooked and then baked in a banana leaf, passed down the generations from when Sri Lanka was a Dutch colony) and ginger beer (a carbonated soft drink made with real ginger). It was a satisfying two weeks.
I’ll remember the church workers in the North demonstrate their sincere efforts of standing in solidarity with the marginalized…
I’ll remember meeting resilient communities in the South who spoke of their labors of overcoming sizeable obstacles…
I’ll remember the stories of our beneficiaries who speak of moving from dependency to self-reliance..
I’ll remember the many voices of the voiceless…
With their diverse programming, devoted staff and positive achievements, our friends in Sri Lanka continue to be very valued at Episcopal Relief & Development and I look forward to my next visit. These visits always affirm Episcopal Relief & Development’s commitment to the “least among us.”