Stories & Info
How Faith Leaders Help Shift Mindsets Towards Equality in South Sudan
Together, Let’s Make a Joyful Noise! A Letter from the President & CEO
Joy is not just an emotion or a feeling. It is the assurance of great things to come. During Christmas, we celebrate with joy the birth of Jesus Ch...
Simon Apa is a 39-year-old farmer in Ghana. For years, he struggled to provide for his wife and three children — but, fortunately, that hasn’t been the case since he started raising pigs.
Within five months of receiving the pigs, they had multiplied and were ready to be sold in the market. With this new income, Simon was able to pay back a loan and buy a tricycle (‘motor-king’), which he is now using to transport goods from his farm. He also plans to use it for commercial purposes to earn extra income and pay for his children’s education.
Simon is very grateful for our support. “It has changed my financial situation,” he says. “God bless you all.”
An Historical Journey: 75 Years of Healing a Hurting World
I’m excited to introduce Episcopal Relief & Development’s virtual timeline, featuring key moments in our 75 Years of Healing a Hurting World.
Gifts of Love, Gifts for Life!
Advent is a season to anticipate the coming of Christ. And what better way to celebrate the spirit of the Christ Child, than to love one another as Christ loved us!
Superstorm Sandy: Rebuilding and Recovery
When Hurricane Sandy hit the US East Coast two years ago, I was hunkered down with my cat in our apartment in Brooklyn.