Ms. Sophie Hollingsworth

Ms. Sophie Hollingsworth is in the Associates Development Program at Hollingsworth & Vose Co., a technical and industrial paper manufacturer dedicated to producing “advanced materials for a cleaner world.”

Previously, she was the Senior Operations Coordinator for the TOPS program at Save the Children, managing tools and resources for the organization’s capacity-building training workshops on Commodity Management. She has volunteered extensively in Tanzania and Rwanda with programs that assist women and young school-aged children, spending a year in Dar es Salaam working for 2Seeds Network, helping rural farmers market their produce more efficiently. She is a trustee of the Roy A. Hunt Foundation and serves on the International Development Committee.

Ms. Hollingsworth is a cradle Episcopalian, attending St. Anne’s-in-the-Fields in Lincoln, MA, St. Paul’s School in Concord, NH, and churches in the Diocese of Ohio, where her father Mark is the Bishop Diocesan.

She is a graduate of the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.