Press Releases

Thursday, Jan 07, 2010

Celebrating the Accomplishments of 2009

January 7, 2010 As 2010 begins, Episcopal Relief & Development would like to express thanks for the generosity of Episcopalians in 2009. Looking back on a challenging year, it is important to recognize and celebrate the many triumphs made possible by the continued support of the Episcopal Church. Two of this year

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Monday, Jan 04, 2010

Episcopal Relief & Development Welcomes New Board Members

January 4, 2010 Episcopal Relief & Development is pleased to announce the election of three new members to the Board of Directors, effective January 1, 2010.  Pearl Chin from Province II, Diocese of New York; Sharon Hilpert from Provinces V and VIII, Dioceses of Wyoming and California; and Tucker Moodey from Province

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Sunday, Jan 03, 2010

Episcopal Media Center to Take Over Fulfillment for Episcopal Relief & Development

Beginning January 3, 2011, Atlanta-based Episcopal Media Center (EMC) will be handling order fulfillment for Episcopal Relief & Development. The organization’s previous vendor, Episcopal Books and Resources (EBaR), will continue to fulfill orders through December 3, 2010. In the interim, requests for small orders of 

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