Press Releases
Episcopal Asset Map Celebrates 99 Dioceses, Invites Full Participation Across Church
The Episcopal Asset Map, an online platform showing the location and ministries of Episcopal churches, schools and other communities, is now officially active in all 99 dioceses in the US states. Map participation will expand to Episcopal Church dioceses in US territories and internationally, beginning with pilot programs in Colombia and the Dominican Republic. All Episcopalians are invited to take part in populating the map with information about their congregation, institution or ministry by suggesting updates through an easy online form.
Prayers for People Impacted by January Tornadoes
Episcopal Relief & Development is in contact with church leaders in areas of the southern and southeastern US that were impacted by tornadoes over January 21-23.
El Domingo de Episcopal Relief & Development se Celebrará el 5 de Marzo
Se invita a los episcopales a que celebren el Domingo de Episcopal Relief & Development (La Agencia Episcopal de Alivio y Desarrollo) el 5 de marzo, el primer domingo de Cuaresma, con oraciones especiales, encartes en boletines y una ofrenda especial para apoyar la misión de la organización de sanar a un mundo que sufre. El Domingo de la Agencia Episcopal de Alivio y Desarrollo, una tradición episcopal cuaresmal, es una oportunidad para que las feligresías se concentren en oración y acción para tratar las necesidades del mundo.
Episcopalians to Focus on Global Needs for Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday on March 5
Episcopalians are invited to mark Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday on March 5, the first Sunday in Lent, with special prayers, bulletin inserts and a dedicated offering to support the organization’s mission of healing a hurting world. An annual Lenten tradition in The Episcopal Church, Episcopal Relief & Development Sunday is an opportunity for congregations to focus on prayer and action to address global needs.
Episcopal Relief & Development ofrece Meditaciones para la Cuaresma de 2017 en inglés y en español
Las Meditaciones para la Cuaresma de 2017 de Episcopal Relief & Development (La Agencia Episcopal de Alivio y Desarrollo) ahora están disponibles en inglés y en español en Este juego de herramientas especial en línea incluye enlaces para pedir folletos impresos del Episcopal Marketplace, descargar una copia en formato PDFo solicitar mensajes diarios por correo electrónico. Otros recursos disponibles son cajas de esperanzas, sobres para colocarlos en bancos de iglesias, encartes de boletines y oraciones especiales.
Episcopal Relief & Development Offers 2017 Lenten Meditations in English and Spanish
Episcopal Relief & Development’s 2017 Lenten Meditations is now available in English and Spanish at This special online toolkit includes links to order printed booklets from the Episcopal Marketplace, download a PDF copy or sign up for daily emails. Other featured resources include hope chests, pew envelopes, bulletin inserts and special prayers.