Press Releases

Monday, May 13, 2019

Episcopal Relief & Development Awarded Grant By Episcopal Health Foundation to Continue Integrated Early Childhood Development Program

Episcopal Relief & Development is pleased to announce it has been awarded a $400,000 grant from the Episcopal Health Foundation to strengthen a five-year integrated early childhood development (ECD) program in Kenya and Zambia

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Thursday, Apr 25, 2019

Standing with Anglican Partners in Sri Lanka

Episcopal Relief & Development stands in solidarity with the Anglican Church of Ceylon after the Easter Sunday attacks in Sri Lanka.

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Tuesday, Apr 16, 2019

Responding to Flooding in the Central United States

Episcopal Relief & Development is supporting Episcopal dioceses that have been impacted by the record-breaking flooding in the central United States in March.

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Tuesday, Mar 26, 2019

Anglican Church Partners Respond to Shooting in Christchurch

Episcopal Relief & Development is supporting the Anglican Missions Board of New Zealand in the wake of the shootings at two mosques in Christchurch earlier this month, killing 50 people and leaving another 50 injured.

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Friday, Mar 22, 2019

Responding to Tornadoes in Alabama and Georgia

Episcopal Relief & Development is supporting the Episcopal Diocese of Alabama as it coordinates a response to a series of tornadoes that devastated eastern Alabama in March.

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Wednesday, Feb 13, 2019

El Obispo Presidente invita a toda la Iglesia a que observe el Domingo de Episcopal Relief and Development (La Agencia Episcopal de Alivio y Desarrollo) el 10 de marzo

El Reverendísimo Michael B. Curry, Obispo Presidente y Primado de la Iglesia Episcopal, invita a todos los episcopales a que se unan el 10 de marzo de 2019 en observación del Domingo de Episcopal Relief and Development (La Agencia Episcopal de Alivio y Desarrollo).

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