Press Releases
Supporting Emergency Response to Tropical Cyclone Yasa in Fiji
Episcopal Relief & Development, in coordination with the Anglican Missions Board-New Zealand and other partners, is supporting the Anglican Diocese of Polynesia to provide emergency relief to 500 families in Fiji who were impacted by Tropical Cyclone Yasa in December 2020.
Episcopal Relief & Development Receives Spotlight Initiative Grant
Episcopal Relief & Development has received a $188,436 three-year grant from the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (UN Trust Fund), in partnership and with funding through the European Union and United Nations Spotlight Initiative.
Episcopal Relief & Development Focuses on Lament in 2021 Lenten Meditations
In response to the unprecedented events of the past year, Episcopal Relief & Development’s 2021 Lenten Meditations share deeply personal reflections on the theme of lament from a diverse group of writers. Many of the authors share experiences related to a variety of issues including disease, violence, racial injustice and poverty.
En las Meditaciones Cuaresmales 2021, Episcopal Relief & Development (La Agencia Episcopal de Alivio y Desarrollo) se concentra en el tema de la Lamentación
En respuesta a los eventos sin precedentes del año pasado, las Meditaciones Para La Cuaresma 2021 de Episcopal Relief & Development (La Agencia Episcopal de Alivio y Desarrollo) comparten reflexiones profundamente personales de un grupo diverso de autores sobre el tema del lamento. Muchos de ellos comparten experiencias vinculadas a una variedad de temas, entre ellos enfermedad, violencia, injusticia racial y pobreza.
Episcopal Relief & Development Welcomes Four New Board Members
Episcopal Relief & Development Welcomes Four New Board Members Press Release January 5, 2020 Episcopal Relief & Development is pleased to a...
Responding to Storms in the Gulf Coast
Episcopal Relief & Development is supporting Episcopal dioceses in the Gulf Coast in response to Hurricanes Laura, Sally and Zeta.